山打根美食之路 – 山打根必尝的美食

位于沙巴东海岸,山打根因景观和繁荣被称为小香港。在其百年的历史,山打根已在70年代从一个村庄发展为沙巴市中心其一。山打根是历史和大自然的城市,而最重要的是山打根提供各式各样的美食。饮茶是山打根从英国继承的文化。 处处都可找到美味精致的糕点和蛋糕,但山打根必食的是海鲜。海鲜仅新鲜又便宜。有鱼面,鱼条,海鲜肉骨茶等等让您选择。如果你是一位美食家,那就前往山打根,让它给你一个完美的回忆。 因 山打根到来的游客都是为它在京那峇或山打根文物径的大自然而来。对于美食家,您可以通过驾驶探索山打根,因公共交通还没那么方便。 早餐 山打根中央市场 在山打根中央市场(公共巴刹)有超过30排档。最有名的摊位可是第三层的正宗粿条拌炸猪肉。也极力推荐档口33(面向大海)的海鲜面。对于山打根中央市场的更多详情,可到 http://sabaheats.com/guide-food-hunting-sandakan-central-market/ 营业时间:早晨五时至上午十一点 地点: 山打根中央市 GPS定位: 5.8387414N 118.1206816E Pasar Tanah Merah 丹那美拉 当地人冲着他们著名的粿条拌炸猪肉而来。附近可是由一位伯伯售卖很棒的清蒸包。 营业时间:早晨五时至上午十点 地点:  南通市对面 卫星导航定位: 5.83116, 118.08765 Sim Sim 7号桥 如果您希望尝试山打根有名泉面,辛辛桥7号提供好吃又弹性的面条。他们也提供不错的点心,皮蛋饺和咖喱叻沙 Sandakan Spring noodle at Sim Sim Bridge 7 (第7桥) 营业时间 : 6am to 11am 地点: Sim Sim 7号桥 卫星导航定位: 5.8388534N 118.1205958E Kedai Makan Kong Teck kang 康德小食館 豆腐清汤,咖喱叻沙和虾汤里拌着新鲜自制云吨,腐竹,鱼饼,虾丸,酿苦瓜,酿豆腐等。别忘了尝试他们的客家干捞面。 营业时间 : 星期二 – 星期日 6.30am-11am (休息,星期一) 地点: Jalan Pak Tak, Mile 7 90000...

Sandakan Food Trail – Foods you must try when in Sandakan

Located at the east coast of Sabah, Sandakan used to be known as Little Hong Kong because of its similar skyline and landscape and of course because of its prosperity. Over its hundred years of history, Sandakan has developed from a village to be...

Sabah Food Awards 2015 – The Winners Revealed

During the voting period from 9th November to 22nd November 2015, Sabaheats followers and ERA FM, MYFM and Hitz FM come together and vote for their favourite 20 eateries in Kota Kinabalu City. Methodology Blast out at Sabaheats Social Media Channels and live liver announcement of ERA...

Eco Yap – Leading the way for sustainable dairy farming

Trivial Questions, 1) Do you know where is the largest Dairy Farm in Malaysia? 2) Do you know the difference between Fresh Milk and UHT Milk? 3) How do you solve a problem of over 200 calves born every day? If you regularly visit supermarket around Kota Kinabalu,...

Linopot – Rice or mashed yam wrapped in leaves

Linopot is rice or mashed yam wrapped in leaves. Tarap tree leaves are usually used for linopod because of its size. Linopot is very popular during the old days because villagers can easily bring their rice along to work at farm and jungle. It's not easy to find...

美食寻宝之旅:亚庇 – 40风味美食

在亚庇市中心寻找食物?那就试试当地的一些美食,还有一些游客强烈推荐的美食。庇市市中心提供各种各样的食物,从西餐到当地的中餐。城市中心非常简洁,足以步行或租车游览。在这,你可以找到美食家在亚庇市推荐的美食。 这份名单将时常更新 当地美食 1. Bit & Bites 卖好吃可口的马来粿。这不起眼的小店,只在默迪卡威士占一半的店面,已经经营了30多年! 必食:美味可口的马来粿 营业时间:上午十一时至下午三时。休周日 地点:BG04, Ground Floor, Wisma Merdeka, Jalan Tun Razak, Kota Kinabalu   2. Borenos Fried Chicken 沙巴独特炸鸡快餐店。是香脆可口炸鸡的必到处。 必食:给大食者,全只童子鸡 地点:Lot G23, Ground Floor, Star City North Complex, Jalan Asia City, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, 营业时间:早上十时至傍晚十时   3. 发记茶餐室 Fatt Kee Coffee Shop 在鸡翅扑满美妙味道的“鸡酱”。甜味,交织与每一口。当地人通常称它为“Ang’s Hotel”因该店位于酒店下方。提供美味的中餐,价格相当便宜。 必食:招牌鸡翅膀 营业时间:傍晚五时至晚上十一时 地点:Ang’s Hotel, Beach Street, 卫星导航地点: 5.9848219, 116.0764843   4. 馮業茶室 Fong Ip Cafe 各式面包和烤面包,自制的海南咖啡和椰浆饭的。位于KK镇中心的加雅街。各型各类的选择,从早餐到晚餐。另一个尝试当地的叻沙的地方。 营业时间:早上七时至夜晚一点 地点:100 Jalan Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu.   5. 富源茶餐厅 Fook Yuen Cafe and...


亚庇是沙巴州的首都,位于沙巴西海岸。亚庇是一个探索被大自然包围城市的完美起点。东姑阿都拉曼国家公园是由5个岛屿形成,诺乘快艇可用不到20分钟抵达亚庇市。由于升旗山档碍,地面短缺,大多数的城市中心位于填海土地。在撒谎城市中心的领域,包括Kampung Air, Api-Api, Segama, Sinsuran, Bandaran Berjaya, Gaya Street, KK Port,及位于南方的Karamunsing,Sembulan,丹绒亚路和舒特拉海港。市中心简洁,可以很容易地步行游览城市。 以下是哥打京那巴鲁可探讨的地方和事物:   探索哥打京那巴鲁市的40种美食 你在哥打京那巴鲁的时间有限,但仍想尝试一些当地的食物?看看我们“探索哥打京那巴鲁市的40种食物”的文章。 你可以在亚庇市中心品尝的美食。更多详悉可到http://sabaheats.com/kkcityfood/ 加雅街星期天市集 个星期天早上,整道加雅街可变成步行街市场。包罗万象,有新鲜的热带水果,当地的手工艺品,甚至宠物! 菲律宾市场/工艺品市场 这是当地的工艺品,旅游纪念品和其他许多有趣的物品的最佳场所。数百摊位可提供各种商品。几乎你能想到的,你都可以在这个沙巴市场找到。 Segama 海滨 位于哥打京那巴鲁市和凯悦酒店的附近。观看为生活承载货物的渔船懒洋洋的飘过通过,当然少不了快艇的浮现。 这可是其中一个当场最佳的享受日落美景之一。 沙巴旅游局 自1916 年,位于加雅街的沙巴旅游局楼出没了。这是其三个建筑之一,在第二次世界大战幸存下来的。如果您需要任何旅游相关信息,您可以到此找到沙巴的资料。 亚庇中央市场 这是当地人购买新鲜日常的地方。清晨,可是最好观光当地日习的最佳时晨。 艾京生钟楼 哥打京那巴鲁最古老的楼层,可是在在二战期间幸存的。它得名取自德弗朗西斯·乔治·阿特金森,亚庇的第一死于疟疾的区官员,。 亚庇环岛游 东姑阿都拉曼海洋公园就位于哥打京那巴鲁市的海岸边,由5个岛屿:加雅岛,沙比岛,马努干岛,Sulug岛和马慕迪岛组成。到亚庇码头乘船,并选择您想要参观的岛屿。那儿有范泛的水上活动,如香蕉船,海上行走,帆船,和水上摩托艇等等。还有什么比炫耀您铜色皮肤更玄的事项阿?  升旗山遥望台 哥打京那巴鲁市最壮丽的景色。对于喜欢冒险的你,可从哥打京那巴鲁城市边采取通往天文台。你可在早上观光天文台平台因它正面向西部或傍晚观看你脚下的城市慢慢的转夕。在这 ,你必定可拍出很多美丽的日落。

Video: a bowl of delicious beef noodle at Kedai Kopi Nyuk Pau baru

Kedai Kopi Nyuk Pau baru serving good and delicious beef noodle for over 30 years. They have franchise all over Kota Kinabalu but people still love their Menggatal branch helm by the daughter. See the story and preparation of Kedai Kopi Nyuk Pau Baru...

Exploring Kota Kinabalu City on foot

Kota Kinabalu is the capital city of Sabah located on the west coast of Sabah. Kota Kinabalu, better known as KK by locals, is the perfect jumping-off point to explore the stunning nature that surrounds the city. Tunku Abdul Rahman national park which is...

Tuaran Mee – Sabahan Favourite noodle

Sarawak is known for its Kolo and Laksa while Penang is known for its Char Koew Teow. When it comes to Sabah, Tuaran Mee is the "must eat" noodle which truly represents Sabah. Tuaran Mee originated from Tuaran Town is one of the most popular...

10 most popular foods on Sabaheats Instagram

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Foodie’s Story – Sinalau Bakas, Sabah Wild Boar

Do you ever think about great culinary works of art? I smell it when I eat pig. In Kuala Lumpur, sometimes after I’ve been to class I walk to the cafes near my university and use my nose to track fresh siu yuk. But...

Favourite Ngiu Chap (Beef Noodle) in Kota Kinabalu, as voted by you!

We love our beef noodle which we fondly call Ngiu Chap (literally mean Mix Beef) . There are easily more than 10 eateries around Kota Kinabalu serve good beef noodles. We run a poll http://sabaheats.com/vote-for-your-favourite-beef-noodle-in-kota-kinabalu/ from 26th of Match till 12th of April (18 days) and a...

Mee Sup Pipin – Originally Mee Sup Inobong

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Favourite Coffee Cafe in Kota Kinabalu? As voted by you!

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10 places for great Ngiu Chap (beef noodle) in Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is boasted with a number of good coffee shops serving good beef noodle. Local call it Ngiu Chap (beef mix). A perfect beef noodle is made up of a tasty beef broth with flavorful and tender beef. Don't leave Kota Kinabalu without...

A visit to Keningau and Tenom

A WhatsApp message popped up on the screen of my phone early Wednesday morning, letting me know that we best get a move on if I wanted to see Tenom, where there would be good coffee and food, and a chance to meet the producers. This...

Missed meals, Comfort food

It’s not easy to forget about the type of comfort food my mum makes. Shepard’s pie is one of many dishes that I miss eating at home. I’d take a spoon and scrape off, and eat all the crusty meaty chewy bits that were...

Pick N Pay – Expect more than groceries

In the year 2000, a man from Sabah sees the future of fresh fruits and vegetables and started Pick N Pay. Pick N Pay will be celebrating their 15th anniversary on 8th February 2015 at their recently opened Wisma Merdeka outlet. Tell us more about yourself....

Best Pan Mee in Kota Kinabalu 亚庇必吃板面

Pan mee (板麺) is a popular Hakka noodle in Sabah. Pan Mee are made using the flour-based dough, handmade manually on the spot. A standard bowl of pan mee is served with anchovy broth, minced meat, shiitake mushrooms and most importantly mani chai. Mani cai is...

I Grew up in Ranau

 5°58'N 116°41'E. Thanks to Google Maps, I was able to look at my hometown from a different dimension; from a macroscale level and zooming in to such a beautifully sculptured landlocked district with a majestic hilly geographical structure. I wonder whose fault it is...

Guide to Kota Kinabalu nightlife

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Food Hunts : Tanjung Aru Town

Located minutes away from Kota Kinabalu city center, Tanjung Aru supplies the perfect mix of tranquility and entertainment. Tanjung Aru is famous for its beach but there are plenty of good eats as well. From authentic chinese food to good simple local kueh, Tanjung...

Tourist Guide – 10 local foods you must eat at Kota Kinabalu

Visiting Kota Kinabalu city and looking to eat like a local instead of western/fast food? Below is the 10 foods you must try when visiting Kota Kinabalu. There are actually more than 10 foods to try as some shops serve few variety foods. All...

Sabah Pork Egg Roll ( Chun Kien) 客家春卷

One of the signature foods of Sabah which can only be found in Sabah is Pork Egg rolls. Pork egg rolls are considered one of the traditional foods of Hakka people and the old towns of Tenom and Kudat still produce some of the best...

3 exotic foods of Sabah you should try

Nonsom Nonsom is made by using fermented fresh water fish, salt rice, and Pangi fruits. Freshwater fish after fermented will taste like cheesy and the taste is provided by the pangi fruits which are readily available around Sabah. Best serve with white rice. Nonsom is...

10 Seafood Tom Yam noodle in Kota Kinabalu you must eat

  Kedai Kopi Dat Seng Location : Block F, Inanam Business Center, Jalan Tuaran Serve good Tom Yam at an affordable price. They give a generous portion of seafood with an order of Tom yam. You can choose from the fish slice or prawn or both. The...

Kopi Botol (Kopi Sejuk) – Cheap Coffee fix for Sabahan

Kopi Botol is unique coffee drinks found in Sabah. Kopi Botol is favorite traditional drinks for the locals and served cold. Few coffee shops at Inanam area serve Kopi Botol and some locals call it Kopi Sejuk.  Best served with fresh buns and pastries. Kopi...

4 awesome fruits in Sabah you probably never heard of

Tarap Fruit Tarap is a native fruit found in Borneo Island and Philipines. Known for its strong aroma, Tarap is favorite fruits for the locals. The flesh is soft and creamy white. The seed can also is eaten by boiling it with hot water. Video on...

Food Hunt: Kota Kinabalu city – 40 foods below the wind

Kota Kinabalu Food guide
Looking for foods at Kota Kinabalu City Centre? Why not try some of the local favourite foods and also some highly recommended foods by tourists. Kota Kinabalu City Centre offers a wide variety of foods from Western to local Chinese cuisine. The City centre...