About us

joanne Lee

Sabaheats by Joanne Lee

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” ― George Bernard Shaw.

Everyone loves good food and us at Sabaheats love good food as much as you do. We are not a better foodie, just we are more hardworking in finding good food.

Sabaheats is a Sabah online food channel dedicated to the passionate food lover. We always heard these people complain there is nothing to eat in Sabah which is absolutely wrong! With its rich culture and people of different races at this beautiful place, you will find yourself surrounded by wonderful food and people.


Our Aims

– To promote Sabah’s food to the locals and the World.

– Discover under-promoted/hidden Sabah cuisine and culture

– Provide information guide on what and where to eat in Sabah.


What we do?

1. Social Media 

Sabaheats has strong followings on Social Media channels and good viewership on www.sabaheats.com.

Key stats of Sabaheats readership on Website/Social Media channels

We offer partnership programs for businesses to work together with us to heighten their brand awareness and exposure online.

The 6 key benefits you get when you become a partner of Sabaheats.

1) Writeup

A comprehensive review and write-up about your business and products with a permanent link on the Sabaheats Website

2) Targeted Facebook Ads Each Month

We use our Sabaheats Facebook page to share your content. We provide unlimited shoutouts to our partners (artwork and info supplied by partner) and we also purchase targeted ads in the Facebook News Feed to encourage people in Kota Kinabalu/specific area to visit your outlet. This ad will link to your outlet page.

3) Display banner ad on Sabaheats.com

We run a native display ad on Sabaheats.com, reminding people to visit your outlet and also introduce new menus to your customers (if any)

4) One Instagram post every month

We share photos of your outlets/food on our Instagram channel and remind the customers about your outlet once per month.

5) Priority press release and posting on Sabaheats

Have any new menu/event? We will provide  first-hand coverage and post on the Sabaheats website and Social Media Channels.

6) Promotion/Social Media Campaign

We will also suggest effective social media campaigns for more awareness and build up more followers on your own social media channels.

For information about advertising with Sabaheats, Visit http://sabaheats.com/advertise/

2. Sabaheats Newsletter (discontinued)

Sabaheats is the leading F&B, lifestyle and travel media website and publication based in Sabah. We publish food reviews, featured articles, travel writeups and experiences about places where we eat and travel.  

Sabaheats Newsletter : 5000 printed copies in circulation bi-monthly Minimum 5,000 printed copies distributed for free at select locations around Kota Kinabalu. Reading copies are also available in hotels, cafes and restaurants.
Last issue: Our Newsletter came to an end since most of the information is on our website www.sabaheats.com. With the popularity of our published newsletter our audience is now reading and participating with our brand more online. The paper newsletter will be rebranded into an easy to read and informative yearly guide (Sabaheats – Insider’s Guide to Sabah) with the compilation of the information over each year..


Fork & Spoon Sabaheats

Sabaheats Newsletter by Sabaheats, Download a copy at http://sabaheats.com/fork-spoon-download/

3. Sabah Food Awards
Sabah Food Awards 2016

Yearly awards that celebrate the food we are all proud of and love to share with our friends and visitors. We have successfully run the food awards for the past 2 years and the result is published into a special edition Food Trail Map printed by The Sabah Tourism Board. . More information about Sabah Food Awards 2016 at http://sabaheats.com/sabah-food-awards-winners/

4) Food Trail Map

A printed map distributed at Kota Kinabalu International Airport, cafes, tourist points of interest,  and Sabah Tourism Board. The first and only Food Trail Map in Sabah

Kota Kinabalu Food Trail Map
Kota Kinabalu Food Trail Map

5) Sabaheats – Magazine (NEW)

– 3 issues annually, A5 publication

– 2000 copies per issue

– Printing date : January 2018

– Features and listings operate 100% independently, guaranteeing unbiased and intelligent editorial.

– Sabaheats Magazine is the essential annual guide for all affluent, outgoing locals and tourists and has fast become the most trusted source in the world for readers and advertisers alike.


– Outgoing and affluent readers worldwide

– Family holidaymakers

– Medium to high end locals

– Business travellers

– Resident expatriates


– 5-star and selected 4-star hotels in the Sabah and Klang Valley (KL)

– Cafe, waiting area and tourist spots around Sabah and Klang Valley (KL)

– Through sponsoring and partnerships with selected events in and around Sabah and Klang Valley.

– International Airports

– Selected bookstore around Sabah and Klang Valley (KL)



Do you accept food review?

We don’t encourage food review as it will not be an honest review when the meal is hosted by you! We do however accept the invitation for a special event (Chinese New Year, New opening, special event) and do ready us with information for us to understand you more before the event.

How does it work on the Instagram?

We go around eating every day and share our experience with our followers. We go around randomly as we do enjoy our eating as much as you do.

How can I contact you?

You can contact me at joanne@sabaheats.com. Please do not send out a generic email like “dear bloggers” as I appreciate you know me better before you approach me.