Restoran Dapur – Tasty Ayam Penyet


Fancy for Indonesian fare at Kota Kinabalu? Head to Restoran Dapur located at Harbour city and try the tasty indonesian food served here. We ordered ayam penyet and ikan putih bakar both come out nice and tasty. The portion is just nice and they also prepared ABC dark sauce which goes well together with their sambal. The price is ok being the ayam penyet cost RM10 and ikar bakar at RM12. Restoran Dapur surely will be the place to be when i craving for Indonesian food in Kota Kinabalu. Another great place in Sabah to eat!

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Sabaheats rating on Restoran Dapur

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restoran dapur harbour city, kota Kinabalu

look like a cooking set but its actually a place for washing hand. Creative!

restoran dapur harbour city, kota Kinabalu

Good ambiance inside the restaurant

restoran dapur harbour city, kota Kinabalu restoran dapur harbour city, kota Kinabalu

Location :

Lot. 22-1, Block B, Ground Floor), 
Harbour City
88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!