客家酿豆腐 Hakka Yong Tao Foo Recipe


Hakka Yong tau foo (stuffed tofu) 客家酿豆腐 is a signature food of Hakka peoples at Sabah.  Me and my mother in law woke up early to buy the freshest tofu and pork?, minced the pork and stuffing of the tofu with minced pork. 
Lots of work but happy to keep the tradition alive and taste the original Hakka Yong tau foo

Here are the Recipe for Hakka Yong Tao Foo (Serve 10 peoples)


– 10 fried/white Tofu from Kota Kinabalu central Market or Lido Market

for the stuffings:

– 500gm minced pork belly ( A bit of fats make the stuffing more tasty)

– 1 x 2-inch pieces Salted fish/ 100 gm prawn

– 1 teaspoon white pepper powder

For the sauce:

– 3 tablespoons tauchu

– 5 cloves garlic, minced finely

–  shallots, minced finely

– corn flour

– 500 ml water

– 1 teaspoon soy sauce


1. Using a chopping board, mix and chop the ingredients for the stuffings.

2. Cut the tofu into half. poke a hole on the tofu and stuff the minced meat

3. Arrange the tofu into a pot.

4. prepare the sauce on a pan. Pour the sauce into the pot and cook it with low heat till the meat is cooked


Hakka Yong Tao Foo

Hakka Yong Tao Foo

Hakka Yong Tao Foo

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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