The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design

The Coffee Lab @ Frankie interior Design

An interior design showroom or cafe? The Coffee Lab is a cafe located inside Frankis Interior Design showroom. The cafe double up as a showroom and place to have good foods and drinks. You can see price tag on the decorations, coffee machines and get interior design idea at The Coffee Lab. A great way to fully utilise a showroom.

The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design

Smoking/outdoor area

The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design
The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design

If you looking for coffee press/equipment, drop by The Coffee Lab check out their selections of coffee equipments

The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design

Cafe Latte (RM6) considerably good and cheap

The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design

Mocha (Rm7.50)

The Coffee Lab @ Frankie Interior Design

Good selection of breakfast set start from RM8. I am not a fans of hash brown but the crispy golden hash brown taste really good.

The Coffee Lab serve affordable meals and coffee. What we really love about The Coffee Lab is the creative transpormation of a showroom into a coffee cafe. The ambiance inside The coffee Lab is great and cosy.

The Coffee Lab is the kind of cafe we wish to have in our neighbourhood. Good food, cosy environment and great pricing.

 Do you like The Coffee Lab’s Coffee? vote for your favourite Coffee at

Location: Lot.10, Ground Flood, Lorong Bernam 3, Taman Soon Kiong, Jalan Kolam, 88300 Kota Kinabalu

(if you coming from Luyang direction towards Bukit Padang, The Coffee Lab is located at the row of shop on your right.  At the roundabout in front of Sabah Golf and Country Club, make a U turn. Same row with Kopitiam 33 and Chat room)

Tel: 088 232060

GPS Location5.9519349N 116.1009273E

Opening hours:

Weekdays – 8.30am to 5.30pm

Saturday – 8.30am to 12pm

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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