Seven 24 – First self-service convenience store (unmanned) in Malaysia?


Seven 24 opens its first outlet at Api Api Centre (near Public Bank). They claim to be the first self service convenience store (unmanned) in Malaysia. The outlet is air-conditioned and open 24 hours. Self Service convenience store is the latest trend in retail market and many catching up fast overseas. Irispay opens their first E-Concept store at Subang Jaya and you need to download the Irispay App to make the payment. Mama 11 Mart also opens their outlets at Penang and Melaka offering convenience and time-saving shopping.


The outlet is simple, with 1 row of vending machines selling products from personal use products , snacks & chips , umbrella & raincoat , medicure set , cup noodles , biscuit , chocolate & sweet , gadget accessorries , cold & hot beverages and Japanese Mochi.




One of the special products at Seven 24 is the Mochi products. Available in different flavours.


Paper money and coins are both accepted by the machine.



Coffee and hot drinks machine also available

seven24Tables and chairs are provided for customers to enjoy their food and relax.

Do you prefer unmanned convenience store or shopping at traditional convenience stores? We think the most important is the location, concept and products range will be the determining factor. For the time being, we are more than happy more business concepts open in Kota Kinabalu.

More information about Seven24 at their Facebook


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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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