Kota Kinabalu Food Festival 2015


Kota Kinabalu Food Festival first started in 2011 and currently running its fifth (5th) year event that will held in Suria Sabah Shopping Mall. It is a three (3) days event that showcases food and beverage establishments, food suppliers, and food manufacturers from all over Malaysia.  The crux of this KK Food Fest is to discover and promote different varieties of dining options and dining experiences in Malaysia, catering not only to dedicated gourmands, but also to those of us who simply loves food.  Every year we manage to attract up to 20,000 audiences from all different religions, cultures and races to witness the Greatest Food Festival in East Malaysia.

KKFF 2015 Features

–          Besides having just a regular food bazaar, we will be having mini food town that offers a variety of delicacies from Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kadazan etc

–          Global Art will be having a Group Coloring by Global Art Students, besides that in Global Art booth they will also be having activities for kids like face painting

–          Lucky Dip for each day for an hour (10th April, 11th April and 12th April 2015) – for every purchase of RM 50 and above at a booth, one will be eligible to join the lucky draw


5th Edition Kota Kinabalu Food Festival

  • Time: 10am – 10pm
  • Venue: Suria Sabah Shopping Mall (Ground Floor)
  • Date: 10 April 2015 – 12 April 2015

KKIF 2015
KKIF 2015
KKIF 2015
KKIF 2015

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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