NTV7 爱食客3 with Ernest 张顺源


On March 2015, I was contacted by Assistant Producer, Chinese Entertainment of Primeworks Studios for TV program Foodie Blogger 爱食客. They will be 2 episodes of Foodie Blogger season 3 (爱食客3) dedicated to foods in Sabah. Upon reading the email,  First thing came into my mind is this real and what foods should I introduced to them. After numerous interaction and exchanged of contact, the date was set on 5 of May 2015 .

The host for the show is Ernest 张顺源. If you think there are script for the show, there are none. The show is base on interaction between the host and blogger. Thanks to Ernest and the team for making me comfortable in front of the cameras
Our first destination is Ngiu Chap Laksa by Yii Siang Hainan Ngiu Chap . There are many ngiu chap in Kota Kinabalu but I choose Yii Siang because I love their latest creation, Laksa Ngiu Chap.

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源
Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源
Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Some acting and dialog to make the show interesting

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

When Ernest meet the famous laksa Ngiu Chap.

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源
Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源
Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Photo with Mr and Mrs Ling and his son Kevin

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

We stop by random place to do some shooting. Professional at work introducing Kota Kinabalu.

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Since it’s “Sakura” season in Kota Kinabalu, Ernest can’t resist running around the trees

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Our “first” meet-up, under the tree somewhere in Kota Kinabalu

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Introduction to our 2nd location, Biru Biru Cafe

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

I Love the concept at Biru Biru Cafe, by mixing in local taste into western food.

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

The famous waffle ice cream at Biru Biru Cafe getting the respect it deserves

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源
Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源
Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Me, Jules and Ernest at Biru Biru!

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

A bit of “drama” before we reach our 3rd destination, Signal Hill Eco Farm

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Interviewing Mr Lee on why his idea behind Signal Hill Eco Farm

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Healthy organic food grown at Signal Hill Eco Farm

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

more foods video

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Me acting professional in front of Camera :0

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

me, Mr Lee and Ernest

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

Me and my wonderful host, Ernest

Shooting for NTV7 爱食客3 with host Ernest 张顺源

The team, from left, Jayson (Cameraman), Berry (Assistant Producer), Me, Ernest (Host), Leong(Producer and Director) and Victor((Assistant Producer). Thanks for the patience and guiding me through the shoots. You all certainly make my first Tv appearance fun and easier than I expect. You guys are truly professional and you guys rock!

I really proud Sabaheats is helping to promote food in Sabah to the nationwide audiences. NTV7 爱食客3 will be on Air sometimes around July and the episodes covering Sabah and Sarawak will be on September.

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!



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