Sunrise and sunset in one place – Tip of Borneo, Kudat


Located at the northernmost point of Borneo Island,  The Tip of Borneo at Kudat(Tanjung Simpang Mengayau) cuts two seas, “the south-china sea” and the “Sulu Sea”. Here you can come and enjoy the sunset and wake up the next morning to enjoy the sunrise at the same place. The Tip of Borneo is located 3 hours drive away from Kota Kinabalu City Center and 45 minutes away from Kudat Town center.  The Tip of Borneo and nearby Karampunian beach is insanely gorgeous. White sands, beautiful waters and crazy breathtaking view,  It’s perfect for a private getaway away from busy city life.


Sunset at Tip of Borneo
KudatThe best place to watch the sunset is at the tip of Borneo, where the South-China Sea” and the Sulu Sea meet.



Kudatthe globe at the Tip of Borneo

Sunrise at Tip of Borneo

The best place to watch the sunrise is at the private beach beside Merrimas Villa.







There are a few resorts by the Kalampunian beach and if you want to stay near the Tip of Borneo, Merrimas Villa is the only resort near Tip of Borneo.




The rooms are well maintained and basic with air conditioning.Kudat

Things to do at Kudat

Gong factory at Matunggong – The gong is the most important Rungus musical instrument which is played during a ceremony and celebration. The entire Kampung Sumangkap is dedicated to gong making and you can also find the largest gong in Malaysia here.

KudatRungus Longhouse – Peek into the communal lifestyle of the Rungus people in the olden days. Made mostly out of bamboo with thatch roofing, there is a communal area where the community gather and rooms for each family.


Gombizau Honey Bee Farm – observe how a bee farm is managed, get a taste of raw honey straight from the honeycomb.


KudatBeaches. Kudat has some of the best beaches in Malaysia. The Kalampunian beach beside Tip of Borneo is one of the must-visit beaches in Kudat. Another must-visit beach is the Kelambu beach which offers crystal clear water and heavenly view.

Pantai Kalampunian

Tip of Borneo

Bak Bak Beach

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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