Ramadhan Bazaar around Kota Kinabalu


Ramadhan 2018 start at 16th of June 2018. Happy fasting for our Muslim friend and lets buka puasa with roti John, murtabak, Nasi Lemak, Kueh and much more at some of the best Ramadhan bazaars around Kota Kinabalu. Let’s celebrate this holy month together and show our Sabahan spirit. 🙂

Berbuka Puasa at ASquare Kota Kinabalu

If you looking for a place for berbuka puasa with a different variety of foods, you can visit ASquare Creative Container Food Street (Behind Wawasan Plaza and beside Promenade Hotel) and try over 100 variety of foods in one place. ASquare Creative Container Food Street open daily from 5pm to 11pm.



Else you can buy foods from the many Bazaar Ramadhan around Kota Kinabalu
View Bazar Ramadan Location in Kota Kinabalu in a larger map
Ramadhan Bazaar kota kinabalu

Ramadhan bazaar at Asia City, one of the most popular places for buka puasa foods.

Location of Bazar Ramadan :

– Gold Plaza Putatan

-Lintasan Deasoka

-Pekan Sembulan

-Tanjung Aru Plaza

-University Apartment

-Pasar malam Pekan Telipok

-Kawasan pasar malam Menggatal

-Taman Indah Permai

-Pasar Tani Putera Jaya


-Alam Mesra

-Sulaman Sentral

-City Mall

-Wisma Wanita

-Sembulan River Park

-Pasar Tani Asia City(FAMA)

-Salut Commercial Centre

-Taipan, Inanam

-Pekan Inanam (Bersebelahan dengan gerai tembakau)

-Kampung Kopungit (FAMA)
Ramadhan Bazaar kota kinabalu

Ramadhan Bazaar kota kinabalu
Ramadhan Bazaar kota kinabaluRamadhan Bazaar at Lintasa Deasoka


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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!



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