Stay connect in China using VPN/Overseas WiFi Router


On our recent travel to Shanghai, We were looking for the overseas sim card to stay connected to the internet. Getting a sim card in China is cheap and easy but the problem is that we cannot access to many sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and all google services (Google map, Google Mail) which is a big problem for us since we need to stay connected to our Google mail and WhatsApp for our work.

China’s advanced online censorship system, known as the Great Firewall blocked many important sites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Google services, Tinder, western news media, Netflix, and even Comparitech.

Shanghai 2018

The popular way to stay connected in China is by using VPN (virtual private networks). Picking the right VPN services is important as many VPNs are blocked in China. I used ExpressVPN the whole duration of my stay at Shanghai and it works well most of the time. I got problem connecting to the VPN sometimes but I managed to connect after trying some of the servers suggested by ExpressVPN. The speed is good and I have no problem connecting to WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.

Shanghai 2018

Travel Recommends China VPN TravelWiFi

When Travel Recommends knows that I will be traveling to China, they contacted me and sponsored me their Travelwifi. With Travel Recommends China VPN TravelWiFi, I get to enjoy 500mb of 4G data per day to access all kinds of social media apps like google, youtube and facebook without having the hassle to download VPN app as the VPN setting was already preset . You also get to share your data with up to 5 travel partners. 

The Travelwifi battery last for over a day of heavy usage and I only need to connect to the wifi to access to the internet. The China VPN TravelWifi rental cost RM28 per day or you can choose China TravelWifi without VPN for RM19 per days. A rental deposit of RM200 is required. You can collect the TravelWifi at their booth at KLIA, KLIA2 and Penang International AIrport or at their office at Plaza Damai if you are based in Kota Kinabalu.

Shanghai 2018

Make sure you register for VPN or travel recommends if you are from Malaysia before you travel to China to make sure you have uninterrupted Internet access. While China internet access is fast, an internet without access to google and WhatsApp is as good as no internet.

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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