Sabaheats Christmas Dining Guide 2015


Have you check out our guide to Buffets at Kota Kinabalu for the upcoming Christmas? You can check it out at

You prefer a quite dinner or restaurants which offer special Christmas menu for dine in or takeaway?

Here are our pick of the best Christmas Dining options in Kota Kinabalu this year.

Pick N Pay

American Roast Turkey with pork mushroom stuffing with brown sauce and cranberry sauce and roasted lamb rack available for booking at all Pick N Pay outlets. 2 days advance booking required. Turkey available at RM320 per bird and lamb rack at RM169 per piece

kota kinabalu roasted turkey and lamb christmas

Soluxe Hotel

Gather your family and friends for a sumptuous Christmas Eve feast at Soluxe Coffee House, offering a 4-course celebratory dinner on 24 December 2015. Choose from 3 chef’s finest main selections – roasted sirloin steak, grilled salmon or braised lamb shank, with additional roasted turkey to be carved and served at your table.

Christmas Eve Dinner Set RM68.00nett per person

6:30pm onwards

(Inclusive a glass of red or white wine)

Contact : 088-327 777

Roasted Sirloin Steak

Euro Bakery

Euro bakery offers Roasted Turkey at Rm340 per bird.

Contact no: 088-260788 12360088_768597483245896_6272247258876482217_n

Party Play

Fresh from winning best food awards by Sabah Tourism Award 2016. Party play offers Turkey and Roasted Tasmanian Leg of Lamb. Price for Turkey from RM85++ per kilogram and Toasted whole Leg of Lamb with Balsamic glazed (set 4kg) potatoes & sausages, Wild Mushroom Glaze with Christmas Log Cake and one Bottle of Alto Cabernet Sauvignon at RM780nett

Contact no: 088-31121012345638_1049657901721601_3207378905336729623_n12294871_1049656308388427_9190001305846701299_n

Grandis Hotel

Grandis Hotel offers Christmas Turkey at RM399 nett Contact no: 088 522872 12309791_516566388521862_2163324737890409003_o

Promenade Hotel

Special Menu at Dynasty Szechuan & Cantonese Cuisine Restaurant at Promenade Hotel. Traditional Roast Turkey available at RM399 per bird (2 days advance order require) Contact: 088 252396PHKK Festive Calendar Amended

The Chateau Patisserie Cafe

4-course Dinner at The Chateau Patisserie Cafe on Chrismas Eve and Chrismas Day at RM118 nett per person Contact : 088-212323 12294623_496946137154283_5453098755441882707_n

Meet + Wine Bistro

Meet + Wine bistro at The Peak offers Festive menu on 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st December at Rm158 per person.

Contact : 60 16-838 2582

Meet + Wine

Kudos Modern European Dining

Kudos offer 3-Course dining luxury Christmas Fayre from 18th to 26th of December with 3 days prior notice at RM150 nett per person Contact: 088-532166 12273570_947927358619960_471075773365073651_o

Mad Ben Cafe

Mad Ben cafe offer roast Chicken, Roast Boneless Lamb, Roast Ribeye, Salmon Fillet and herb crusted butterfish throughout December month. 2 days in advance booking are required. Contact: 088-25507312316309_1675670272676787_3271250195348893031_n12278658_1675670279343453_57421966652360078_n12316363_1675670256010122_4850088223579943385_n12316177_1675670392676775_5599130575646313505_n12301463_1675670376010110_5061010450651542173_n

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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