Moo Cow Frozen Yogurt – Delicious & Moo-Tricious


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Moo Cow has been around for 4 years at Lintas Plaza. I always spotted the big “Moo” every time  I drive by Lintas Plaza. Moo Cow is famous for their frozen yogurt which is freshly churned from natural ingredients and flavors.

moo cow kota kInabalu

moo cow kota kInabalu

The Moo Cow at the entrance welcoming the guest

2017-09-11 14.05.27

moo cow kota kInabalu

The Moo Ville Residents decorate the interior of Moo Cow outlet.

moo cow kota kInabalu2 flavors of Moo Cow frozen yogurt available at Lintas Plaza outlet. The yogurt flavor available at all time while Moo Cow offers another different flavor every month. To enjoy Moo Cow yogurt, finish with your favorite toppings.

moo cow kota kInabaluThe yogurt is creamy but not sweet, with a slight sour tinge. Moo Cow yogurts are not only pleasant to the taste buds but also weight-friendly too, thanks to the low fat and sugar content. Moo Cow frozen yogurts are also packed with 18 billion live cultured bacteria, known as L. Acidophilus which helps to improve digestion, prevents and treats diarrhea, reduces the overgrowth of pathogens in the digestive tract, relieves irritable bowel syndrome, Chron’s disease, and gut dysbiosis, as well as increasing your immune system.

moo cow kota kInabaluMoo Cow Frozen yogurt is also available for takeaway.

moo cow kota kInabalu

moo cow kota kInabaludifferent flavor Yogurt drinks available at Moo Cow

moo cow kota kInabalu

To reward their customers, Moo Cow is having a buy 1 get 1 free promotion on the 15th of every month. Drop by Moo Cow at Lintas Plaza and enjoy their healthy, delicious frozen yogurt which should be part of your daily healthy eating diet.


Moo Cow Lintas Plaza
Lot 100, Ground FLoor, Lintas Plaza, Phase 2B, Jalan Lintas
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Opening hours: 11am to 11pm

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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