Kantin Bakut – Famous Tom Yam


I heard so much about Kantin Bakut before but I can’t figure out the exact location of this “canteen”. The only direction given was, after you passed Telipok town towards tuaran, look out for Petronas Petrol station on your left. When you see a Petronas station, Kantin Bakut is located at the next junction right after the Petronas.

We drived slowly once we passed by Petronas station. Sure enough we found Kantin Bakut with a sign board written Kentin Bakut. Kantin Bakut is made up of simple structure with red zinc roof.

Kantin Bakut

There are about 5 food stalls space at Kantin Bakut. The famous Tom yam is part of Kantin Bakut and they take up about 2 lots. The menu clearly displays. There are Tom yam seafood, Ham choi kepala ikan (fish head salted vegetable) Tom Yam goreng seafood, Peria sup (bitter gourd) and Mee/meehoon sup seafood. You can also choose kon lai mee to go with your soup

Kantin BakutKantin Bakut

They also serve Kopi botol here. nice cool black coffee to go with our seafood noodles

Kantin Bakut

Fresh fish slice serve with the Salted vegetable soup.

Kantin Bakut

The famous tom yam seafood. it comes with prawns and fish slices. The tom yam soup os flavourful with hints of lemongrass. Well balanced with sour and sweet mix with the freshness of the seafood. yummyyyYYY

Kantin Bakut

Price is reasonable and the serving is generous. If you looking for food while on the way to Tuaran/Kundasang/Kudat/Sandakan. Kantin Bakut is a good place to stopover as it is located just beside Tuaran road.

Kantin Bakut

Price is reasonable and the serving is generous. If you looking for food while on the way to Tuaran/Kundasang/kudat/Sandakan. Kantin Bakut is the good place to stopover as it is located just beside Tuaran road.

Address: Kampung Bakut, off Telipok – Tuaran Road

GPS Location:6.1329762N 116.2151946E

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!



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