D’ Place Kinabalu Plaza Shell – Sabah Local Kadazan-Dusun cuisine


D’Place previously located at Kepayan Perdana which is inconvenient for tourists and guests. They take the bold move to Plaza Shell which located at the center of Kota Kinabalu City.

D'Place Plaza Shell

D'Place Plaza Shell

The new D’Place Kinabalu at Plaza Shell offer much bigger space than the previous outlet. The previous outlet feel more “authentic” while the new outlet offer much more comfortable experience.

D'Place Plaza Shell

D'Place Plaza Shell

D'Place Plaza Shell

Me and Annie enjoying our local Kadazan-Dusun cuisine

D'Place Plaza Shell

live performance after the dinner.

D Place Kepayan Perdana

Our previous review on D’Place Kinabalu. They still offer Butod (sago worm), a delicacy for the locals is served here. Best eaten raw


D Place Kepayan Perdana

Raw butod served with fresh lemon

D Place Kepayan Perdana

deep fried butod for the less adventurous

Sabah traditional foodD Place Kepayan Perdanaa complete ambuyat set with condiments, hinava, sambal, bamboo shoot, soup and basing fish (deep fried fish)

D Place Kepayan Perdana

D Place Kepayan Perdana

eating ambuyat with cantas, a chopstick-like utensil


D Place Kepayan Perdana

chilipadi with lime, bambangan and tuhau, the essential condiments for Kadazan-Dusun cuisine.


D Place Kepayan Perdana

“BAMBOO RICE” set. A combination with “gulu-gulu” concept which is the rice served in a bamboo together with the traditional Sabahan side dish as “Bambangan, Tuhau, Nonsom/Bosou ikan (Fermented fish with Rice), Hinava, Local kampung vege, and salted fish!

D Place Kepayan Perdana

We are impressed with the foods at D’Place and will highly recommend to everyone who wants to try ethnic Sabah food.

D’ Place Kinabalu
Location: Lot 2.01&2.02, 2nd floor, Plaza Shell

Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Contact: +60 16-833 2381
Opening hours: 11am to 10.00pm


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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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