City Veggie reopens at Lintas Platinum


City Veggie, our favorite vegetarian restaurant in Kota Kinabalu reopened at Lintas Platinum with bigger space and more selection of vegetarian foods, bread, and coffee. City Veggie is located in the same building of Lintas Platinum Hotel facing Jalan Lintas at Lintas Jaya Uptownship

City VegeThere are ample parking spaces at the back and front of Lintas Platinum Hotel.

City VegeThe new outlet now serves bread, coffee, pastries and cakes.

City Vege

City Vege

City Vege

City VegeThe new City Veggie offers more selection of vegetarian foods at the affordable price.

City Vege

City VegeThe new City Veggie outlet is more spacious and cozy. Now I can enjoy my vegetarian meals with my coffee and cakes under one rood.

City Vege

City Vege

City Veggie will continue to be my favorite vegetarian restaurant in Kota Kinabalu. The restaurant is located 5 minutes drive away from Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA), a perfect place for food if you are on the way to the airport.

City Veggie
Location: Lot 3-1 & lot 4-1, Ground Floor, Lintas Platinum, 
88300 Kota Kinabalu
Contact no: 088-236 128

business hours: 11am to 3pm, 5.30pm to 9pm (Tuesdays to Sundays)

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!



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