Order drinks at Coffee Shop like a local Sabahan

Kopitiam Sabah

How familiar are you with coffee lingo in a local coffee shop? There are many types of coffee you can order besides your regular hot or cold (peng)! Letters that come with the drink like ‘C’, ‘O’, ‘kosong’ are like codes that unlock secrets to how you like your drink. It changes everything. The terms used for coffee can also be used for tea.

Coffee Lover

Kopi oh = Hot black coffee (sweetened)

Kopi oh peng = Iced black coffee (sweetened)

Kopi oh kosong = Hot black coffee (unsweetened)

Kopi oh kosong peng = Iced black coffee (unsweetened)

Kopi = Coffee with condensed milk (sweetened)

Kopi peng – Iced white coffee (sweetened)

Kopi ‘c’ = Hot coffee with evaporated milk (sweetened)

Kopi ‘c’= kosong – Hot coffee with evaporated milk (unsweetened)

Kopi ‘c’ peng = Iced coffee with evaporated milk (sweetened)


Tea Lover

Chinese teh =Chinese hot tea (without milk, unsweetened)

Chinese teh peng = Iced tea (without milk, unsweetened)

Teh oh(english) = Hot tea (without milk, sweetened)

Teh oh peng = Iced tea (without milk, sweetened)

Teh oh kosong = Hot tea (without milk, unsweetened)

Teh oh kosong peng = Iced tea (without milk, unsweetened)

Teh = Tea with condensed milk (sweetened)


Coffee and Tea (CHAM)

Cham = Mixed of coffee and tea (sweetened)

Cham peng = Iced version of Cham (sweetened)


Cocolate Lover

Milo – Hot Coco


Lemon Drinks

Kit Chai peng – Kalamansi limes + salted sour plums + sugar + ice

Lemon Teh – Lemon + tea + sugar

Lemon Peng- Lemon + ice

Lemon “O ” = Lemon + water without sugar

Lemon Teh “ O” = Lemon + tea + without sugar



Leong Cha – Herbal tea ( Prepared daily with different recipe)

Air – Drinking water



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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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