Noodle Adventure with new Maggi Royale


Over the years, Maggi has become a household name is Malaysia. It is so ingrained in the local culture that most see it as a Malaysia brand. Positioned as the leading culinary expert in Malaysia, Maggi has entered the homes and hearts of every Malaysia

Maggi Royale

Maggi Royale is Magge noodles premium range. This new range captures the signatures flavours of top notch mouth watering noodle cuisine from Malaysia and around the world, that consumers can enjoy in the comfort of their own homes. Maggi Royale started its culinary journey in Each Malaysia with Penang seafood Curry in November and continued with Korean Spicy Braised beef early this month (December)

Maggi is currently running “you Buy, We Cook” roadshow where Maggi Royle bring the brand experience to consumers. You just need to buy 1 pack of Maggi Royale and Maggi will cook a meal for you with fresh ingredients to make it a complete meal. Maggi roadshow is currently at Suria Sabah Concourse 17-18 Dec 2014.

Maggi Royale road show
Maggi Royale road show
Maggi Royale road show
Maggi Royale road show
Maggi Royale road show

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!


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