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Ramadan sungkai buffet Kota Kinabalu 2024

Have a wonderful Ramadan for our muslim friends and for those looking for places to break fast in Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan. Check out...

Bakers in Kota Kinabalu to follow on Instagram for Artisan, Beautiful...

Looking for cakes for birthday or special occasions in Kota Kinabalu. Below are list of  Bakers in Kota Kinabalu to follow on Instagram for...

Delicious Curry House – Delicious Chinese Style Malay Dishes

Delicious Curry House is a Restaurant at Sri Kepayan Commercial Center serving a good variety of Malay dishes. True to its name, Delicious Curry...

Tawau Food Hunt – Food you must eat when visiting Tawau

When we mention Tawau, the first words come to our mind is cocoa. Tawau is the top producer of cocoa in Malaysia. Many are also...

Where to enjoy Dim Sum in Kota Kinabalu

Dim Sum, a style of Cantonese food prepared as small bite-sized or individual portions of food traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small...

11 resort/Guesthouse to stay at Kundasang and Ranau

Planning a short getaway at Kundasang to enjoy to cold fresh air and Mount Kinabalu view? Check out these 10 resorts/guesthouse when you planning...
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