瓊萬興茶室 Kheng Wan Heng Coffee Shop – Famous buns at Gaya Street


Located at Gaya Street, Keng Wan Hing 瓊萬興茶室 serve a variety of noodlesdesserts, pau, and buns. You will see people queuing up to buy their favorite buns.

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

A painting depicting daily activities at Keng Wan Hing hang inside the shop. Cute!

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

workers preparing polo buns at the kitchen

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

Keng Wan Hing is famous for their Polo buns. Polo buns  (which means pineapple bun), has no pineapple content in it but Keng Wan Hing Polo Buns have pineapple contents inside it! 有菠萝的菠萝包 (polo buns with polo inside!)

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

the pineapple contents. look yummy

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

Polo buns freshly baked from oven

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

Red bean soup with pastries. perfect team time 🙂

瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop
瓊万兴茶店 Kheng Wan Heng coffee shop

Address: Location: 80 Jalan Gaya Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

GPS Location: 5.9847579N 116.0774741E

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Joanne Lee

Chief Eater Extraordinaire of Sabaheats
I cook, I eat and I always looking for good food!



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